Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 1 "An Empty Garden"

Exodus 25:1-2, 8-9 Why were the Israelites to build the tabernacle? So that He may dwell among them!

He wants to hang out with us! With me! Wow! He wants to hang out with me! That is an awesome thing!

Look at Exodus again. Discover who is involved. Who is talking? The Lord.

Whom is He addressing? Moses

Who is "them" in verse 8? Children of Israel

What is Moses to have them do? Build God a sanctuary

How are they to construct it? According to all that the Lord shows them. By the pattern of the tabernacle.

What 2 names does God call this structure in verses 8-9? Sanctuary and Tabernacle.

Exodus 25:22, 29:42-43, 30:6,36. What is the obvious purpose of the structure? A meeting place

2 Corinthians 5:18 What has God given us? A ministry of reconciliation.

Genesis 1:26-3:24

What was God doing in Genesis 3:8-9? Walking around the garden, dwelling with them, and calling for Adam.

After Adam and Eve told God what happened, God cursed the ground. He cursed the ground with thorns.

I've never thought about this before but that curse come around full course and ended up on the head of Jesus because of our sin. Matthew 27:29.

Drying my eyes! I can't believe that this is my first bible study! I have learned so much and God is really opening my mind to the scriptures and causing my eyes to see!

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