Monday, September 20, 2010

It jumped out and bit me! Week 1 and 2

Week 1-

I am amazed at how everything is intertwined!

Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, God cursed the ground with thorns, God provided Abraham with a ram caught in the thorns by it's head, and Christ was crucified with a crown of thorns!

Wow! Think about that! Because of Adam and Eve's (our) sin, Jesus paid the ultimate price. Death on the cross to take ours sins away. His head was crowned with the thorns of our sin!!

Week 2-

Now we are looking at the provisions God makes for the Israelites (us).

Moses leads them out of Egypt (bondage) and eventually finds water in Marah after 3 days. But!! The water is bitter and undrinkable! Moses prays and God tells him to put the tree in it. Moses puts the tree in it and the water is turned sweet! Then Jesus bore our sins on His own body on the tree (cross)! Jesus took the bitterness of sin on His body and gave us everlasting life! How awesome is that!?

Pray as I continue this study that God gives more insight as I study more in dept!

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